Sunday, February 03, 2008

I'm listing a few links I have come across this past week in regards to helping families grow in faith together, and helping parents be the pastors/spiritual guides for their children.

* 10 Day Journey --
" The purpose of each 10 day Journey is to create conversations, dialogue and ideas that will help families keep God and HIS Word central. "

Geared towards teens and their parents, and with the idea of asking families to spend more time together when they are at home, not adding another night for them to go to church. Has a Baptist spin on it. I wonder how it can be tweaked for mainline protestants? (I almost forgot that I'm in a Presbyterian church and was going to type 'Lutheran'. LoL!)

* National Association of Family Ministries --
" The National Association of Family Ministries (NAFM) exists to network, resource & equip people involved in family ministries. If any of the following describe how you feel about your ministry, we understand, and we can help: Weaving family ministry foundations that are near to your heart into the fabric of your church's life ~ How to make "family discipleship" happen ~ Having ongoing ministry for family units that gets beyond splitting kids and parents up ~ Ministering to the unique groups of congregants that are in single or step families ~ Equipping spouses and parents ~ What resources to point your church community toward, to strengthen their families ~ Establishing and leading a family ministry team ~ How to lead yourself so that you can maximize your giftedness for His glory in your ministry"

This sounds really cool to me! I need to look deeper into this resource, how did I not know about it until now. I just happened to spot the link out of the corner of my eye in some youth ministry e-mail.

* "How to Raise a Spiritual Child" Series --

Children Ages 12-24 months (1-2 yrs)
Children Ages 2-4 years
Children Ages 5-8 years

Even Babycenter.Com has some articles on parenting with spirituality in mind.. Gah! This amazes me!
Kudos to Babycenter for providing resources with a holistic approach to parenting.

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